Friday, January 19, 2018

My bug list

Austin's Bug List:

1. Students being distracting in class with other students around them such as surfing on Facebook or watching Netflix in the middle of class.
-This exists because students now a days cannot stay focused on a task, such as paying attention to an hour lecture because of all the technology that we have available to us. I am of course guilty of this but when I realize what I am doing, I try to think of how this affects other students and I try to stop.

2. It bugs me when car driver's are not considerate of scooter drivers.
-This is simply just car drivers getting irritated with the pace that which scooters go and everybody in todays world thinks that their time is better than everyone else and they need to get everywhere they are going in as fast time as possible.

3.It maybe weird, but when Chick-Fil-A says my pleasure after every sentence.
-They do this to obviously make you feel comfortable and to seem that they are there for you for any convenience and to increase their customer service which they are known for.

4.When people are rude to retail associates, such as cashiers at Publix, when that associate has nothing to do with the situation at hand.
-I believe this occurs because people will take their anger out on anyone who they think that maybe linked to a problem and in todays world, "the customer is always right". This saying has given rise to the customer having a false sense of power and always thinking that they know more than the people who work at such places.

5.When my roommates don't take out the trash or recycling and leave it on me to do it.
-This occurs because I took out the trash our first week in the house we'd since then, they have not touched it because in their mind, if they don't have to do it, it is not their problem to deal with.

6.It bugs me when people smoke around children or in public and don't try and be considerate with the smoke.
-I think this happens just because people are so wrapped up in the their own world, that they do not take the time to think about how their actions affect others and they don't care either.

7.It bugs me I call a business, such as the county court house and I want to speak to an actual person but I only get a machine answer.
-This happens because the company has to have an efficient way to answer all the calls without having to hire someone to do it.

8.I don't like it when the garbage man throws my trash can in my yard, as if he or she was in such a hurry they couldn't just put it up right.
-This is so because they are in a hurry and have a lot of houses to get to.

9.When people are not considerate drivers and drive dangerously around other cars.
 -People just feel as though their time is more valuable than other people's time and will swerve in and out of traffic to get around cars just to shave a minute or two off of their trip.

10.It bugs me when parents don't look after their kids and just let them do whatever they want such as crawl around on the floor or climb over things in a store.
-I believe this happens because the parents just get fed up with the kids behaviors and they don't want to discipline them for everything they do, so they just let it happen without and consequence.

11.It also bugs me when parents don't discipline their children in anyway and just let bad behavior goes unnoticed.
- Some parents just have that philosophy that punishing a child in any form is bad for the kid, but you have to at least let a child know when he or she is doing a wrong behavior.\

12. I hate it when people leave trash on a table at like a fast food place such as Chick-Fil-A, and don't pick up after themselves.
-I would assume that people that do this just think that the employees will clean it up and yes they will, but you should always try and clean up after yourself.

13.It bugs me when kids are incredibly disrespectful to their parents and are rude to them.
-Some kids just have that type of attitude where they will be rude to anybody including their parents and they don't care.

14.I do not like it when someone is talking on the phone when they go down a line at a grocery store and totally avoid the cashier.
-People just think that their conversation is better than talking to someone else and they don't care that they are being rude by not even acknowledging the cashier.

15. It bugs me when someone does not say thank you when I hold the door open for them when we are entering or leaving a building.
-I think this occurs because depending on where you were raised, some people just weren't taught that you should say thank you after a simple act like that.

16.It annoys me to no end when someone talks or their phone goes off in a movie.
-This happens because again, people are not courteous to the people around them and do not think about how their actions might affect other people.

17.It bugs me when there is an event of some sort like a class and it is a full class and someone is saving a seat for someone who either isn't there yet or doesn't show up at all which leaves someone else left out that could have sat in that seat.
-People want to sit next to other people they know in things, and they just want to save a spot for someone they know. 

18.I hate it when I can hear other peoples music in quite places such as Marston or Library West.
-I am going to assume that the person doesn't realize that their music is as loud as it is but still, you should be conscious of it if you are playing music.

19.It bugs me when people don't pull all they way up in a scooter parking place so if someone wants to park in that spot, they have to go all the way around and the sidewalk just to park their scooter.
-People do this so they have an easier time to get out of a parking spot.

20.It bugs me when people on bikes don't watch out for people walking or crossing the street.
-This happens because just like in a car, a person on a bike thinks you'll move out of the way for them and if not you will get hit.

-In all honesty, I did not really have trouble finding it hard to come up with this list of things that bug me. I had to give it some thought because I normally don't think about these things but once I had a couple, they just started to flow and I had an easier time coming up with the list. Most of these things I brush off and don't think about, or if I see it, I won't say anything about and I think that was the hardest part about coming up with this list.


  1. Hey Austin, i really liked the issues you brought up. Some of the parental and moral issues I would say are hard to create viable business solutions out of. Particularly though, I am interested when you said you hate when adults smoke around children. Although it may not be profitable, I think a campaign or marketing program would be great to help people as you said "get out of their own world." Out of all the issues, I would say that one is my favorite and one i most agree with.

  2. I feel the same about most of these, especiialy the one about disrespectful kids and scooters. I coach youth soccer and am around a lot of kids. Luckily for me Gainesville is a good area that promotes good values, but when we travel as a team, I run into some crazy situations. We try to blame the kids for this behavior, but at some point it is the parents. Speaking of disrespectful behavior, people who don't park their scooter correctly are all awful. Granted, I park bad sometimes, but it is because of someone else. All we can do is hope the first person of the day parks correctly and people follow behind.

  3. I agree with many of the things that bug you as they also bug me to no end. A couple of those being the ones about parents and their children. When a child in a mall, movie theater, restaurant, or whatever is yelling or being disrespectful to others with no thought of correcting their behavior from the parent, I get really heated. Also seeing a kid (or an adult really) be blatantly disrespectful to their parents I immediately lose respect for that person. If you hang around anyone for too long they'll eventually annoy you but your parents raised you and provided for you so there is no excuse for that one.

  4. Hey Austin,
    I agree with most of your bugs and found that we shared some similar characteristics. Your number eighteen in which you talk about hearing another person's music is something I can understand and feel similarly about, most especially when trying to study. I think most of your bugs are applicable to Gainesville, but your annoyance with smoking disrespectfully around kids is something I have not yet encountered around the University of Florida. In the end, you did an admirable job of taking out your personal feelings and try to find reasons behind each bug.
