Friday, January 19, 2018

3A- My Entrepreneurship Story

     My entrepreneurship story would have to begin with my dad. I am proud to say that my dad is an entrepreneur.  He is an entrepreneur in that he, along with a close friend of his, started a local small town pharmacy in a small town outside of Gainesville(I am originally from Gainesville, just a small fun fact about myself). This has been a cool experience growing up because I have seen what it has mean't to own and operate a small business. Just from the outside of it though, I can tell you, it is a lot of hard work that a lot of people don't get to see. However, seeing the pharmacy grow into what it is now, and seeing how proud my dad is of it, is really empowering. An upside is that my dad is his own boss and that was a major reason why he wanted to open his own business. For me, it made me not want to go into pharmacy as a career because I saw how much chemistry you needed to know and let me tell you, I am awful at chemistry. I would consider my dad an entrepreneur because he is always looking for ways that the pharmacy can grow and he is considering opening up a new store sometime in the future.

     I enrolled in this class because I have always had a small interest in entrepreneurship and I wanted to find out what it was all about more than just starting a business. I hope to gain skills that I hope I can transfer into helping find a career down the road and maybe even learn a thing or two that I can help my dad with in his entrepreneurship voyage. 


  1. Hey Austin, I think its really awesome that your dad represents the type of entrepreneur that we as Americans tend to forget about. We tend to only think of the Elon Musk's and Steve Jobs of the world, so its refreshing to hear a story of a small business start up. I think you could take a lot of points from your father, and use things like hard work and dedication to get better at chemistry. I also took chemistry at UF and can tell you, once you get it, everything becomes relatively easy. Great post.

  2. If someone was to ask me my biggest weakness, I would say Chemistry. Good thing we have people like your dad who are enthusiastic and good at it. IT isn't easy to start your own business, so I am sure you saw some of the demands and necessities for starting one. I'm sure you can make those experiences and start your business of something you are passionate about.

  3. Hey Austin,
    Your Dad's story is one that I believe most entrepreneurs strive to accomplish and their passion and effort should never be overlooked. I think my reasons for taking this class are very similar to yours, as I hope the things learned in this class can potentially help me in my career path down the road. Overall, I appreciate this post and its telling of a story that is often overlooked: everyday entrepreneurship.
