Friday, April 13, 2018

26A-Celebrating Failure

This assignment was an easier one for me as I just went through multiple interviews for internships this summer and have an answer for the time I failed. For mine, it was in my freshman year and I had a great opportunity of getting a position as a student manager on the football team in the equipment room. So I got to help with the team and their practices, help sort out gear, be on the sidelines for all the games and travel to some of the away games. I did this for about 3-4 weeks and then I started to fall behind in my classes. This opportunity was a great one but it ended up being almost a full time job and I was not prepared for that. Mind you this was my first real semester at UF so I was still adjusting and then throw this on top and I was not doing great. But the moment of failure came when I just went to my boss and told him I was going quit with out asking anybody for advise or trying to get help. I didn't talk to my parents about it, my friends or people around, I just dropped it when it started to get hard. When I told my parents they were extremely angry that I just gave up and didn't get help or anything and pulled the "we're not mad, we're disappointed". The failure in this was that I just gave up when it got tough and when I was doing something new, which is not like me at all. From this I learned that even when it gets tough or you're not in a position where you're comfortable, you can't give up. You have to get going and it will eventually get better. I have this mind set now which is great because I will be doing an internship this summer and I will be put out of my element and it will be challenging and different, but I know I will learn from it and won't just drop it when it gets tough. As far as I handle failure, I mean for everyone it is embarrassing, but you have to learn from it and be able to move on. If you don't, you won't be able to learn a lot in life. I am firm believer that you learn more from your failures than you do when you are successful. This class has shown me that it's okay to fail even in business and entrepreneurship but it's how you rebound from failure that defines the type of person you are.


  1. Failure can be a catalyst for future success, as the lessons learned during previous situations set up habits that will lead to better decision making over time. The fact that you can not on recognize when you have come up short, but have applied that situation to future applications for which you can improve shows maturity and strong internal leadership.

  2. I think the fact that you chose to quit the job to focus on school is a success itself. It just reinforced what your priorities are in life. I agree that failure is something that is all about perspective. With the right perspective, you can make it a learning experience and truly gain insight through it. Success does not teach that much, whereas failure really throws you on the right track because you want to avoid it. I hope you do well in your internship and I enjoyed reading this post.

  3. Quitting when it gets tough has the possibility of weakening your character and can plant seeds of self-doubt in the long run. I had a buddy quit the Army's basic training 2 months into it, he now regrets doing it and hasn't rebounded properly. It's good to hear your where able to make a positive out of a negative, and at the same time it was a trade of for better grades.

  4. I think you made a choice that most people would in your situation. When the going gets tough you find out what your priorities are for you it was grades. This experience seems to have motivated you and made you more likely to be able to handle many responsibilities in the future. You may not have learned this lesson if you never failed and it is one that will stick with you throughout life.
