Friday, February 23, 2018

12A-Figuring out buyer behavior

When I did my three interviews, I decided to pick a segment that I highlighted earlier in an assignment and that is a segment in the UF student body that are not in fraternities or sororities. My solution is creating an app that would connect people around campus to help in their studies, form study groups or even search for tutors. I first interviewed Blake who is a student here at UF.  He said he has this need when he is at the library either either during the day or at night and does not have anybody to study with. Sometimes he feels like he needs help in a specific class, but he doesn't have anybody to help him right then. He sometimes get frustrated at problem and just needs a little help and that is where study buddy could come into play. I then interviewed Rachael, who said she has the need when she wants to form study groups with her classmates, but does not have a way to do unless she posts on Facebook or something and she said that never helps. She said she also is in the library when she has this problem and just wants and easy way to see if anybody else would want to help her study. Then I interviewed RJ, who had a combined problem of both Blake and Rachael, where he wanted to ask his classmates a question on an assignment but didn't have an efficient way to do so.  All three subjects had the same response when they thought about how they handled the problem now. They either just forget about it and work through it with out getting any help or they just post on Facebook or some sort of social media, if they even do that, and they said they normally don't get any responses. They also make friends in the classes they are in, but they never get in contact with their classmates outside of class, so they can't get help aside from the teacher. If I had to summarize what I found, it just seems like the segment I have found just want a quick and easy way to link or connect with classmates on a social media based platform outside of Facebook so they can get help with assignments and such.


  1. It seems as if you have a clearly defined segment and are ready to start targeting customers. Interestingly, you must think about if UF works, where would you go next. Would you want this to start in UF and go national, or are you happy with just seeing an improvement in your school? Also, you would have to interview people outside of UF to see if they have the same problems as well. If they do not, it could be a UF problem that does not need to be solved by an app but by more social cooperation and group effort. I would be interested to know if schools outside of UF have this problem as well or whether it is localized.

  2. Your segment is well chosen as it is more likely non-greek students will be interested in a new connection with other classmates. I think it is interesting that the interviewees said they often reached out for help on social media but could rarely find any help. Efficiency is also important because searching for help begins to become useless if it takes up a ton of your time.

  3. I think your segment is solid in terms of its potential to provide a constant base of core customers, but the question being where would expansion take place? Additionally, in your summary when you described the optimal product for the people you interviewed, I wonder the potential for you business to become a revolutionary social media platform to connect to students.

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